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My heart is that you would find sacred space to take a deep breath and slow down, finding rest and love to meet you here. In the midst of a noisy and fast-paced world we need places that offer us rest and help us come home to ourselves—places where we can remember who we are and whose we are. Spiritual direction (also known as spiritual companioning) is a way of offering and holding this “sanctuary” space for the whole person—mind, body, and soul. As we slow down we become more open to God’s voice of Love. 

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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction (also referred to as spiritual companioning) offers a way of noticing and
attending to God's presence in one's life in the context of a trusted and safe relationship. The spiritual director’s commitment is to prayerfully listen to you and hold safe and sacred space for
you to explore and give attention to your spiritual journey. This space allows you to carve out time in your life to seek and notice God’s movement and presence in your life. Very little in our lives supports this type of awareness, but spiritual direction invites us into greater awareness of God’s presence in our life. Experiencing God’s loving presence in our lives is both healing and transformative.

Restorative Yoga

Yoga helps us experience Sanctuary in our bodies. We are embodied souls—minds and souls dwelling in a body. While spirituality may seem like it only cares about the soul, much is being written about the mind-body-soul connection. We are
triune beings (mind, body, spirit) created in the image of a
triune God. As we tend to our bodies we also tend to our
spirits. Restorative yoga invites our bodies to feel supported so that we can begin to let go and relax. We are often living in a state of chronic stress and anxiety in a fast-paced “doing”
culture. Restorative yoga invites us to pause long enough to experience a down-regulation of our nervous system. Healing happens when we enter into more restful states of being. 

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Vero Beach, Florida

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